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What Right Fit Hiring Customers Say

"If 10 is the highest recommendation, I would rate Right Fit Hiring as a 10 since it has met and exceeded our expectations.  Having had 20 years of recruitment experience and utilizing many different tools, I have found this evaluation process to be the most accurate and cost-effective I have used.  The value-add is this:  not only does Right Fit help you select the right people, it helps you retain and manage them as well.  If you are currently hiring without using an assessment process or tool, you are missing out!  If you have used another assessment or process, this one is better.  If you don't have a process, you should try it."

Kim Bair, Recruitment and Human Resource Manager

"The money our company spent with Right Fit Hiring for talent selection was the best value for any expense in the history of our company. While there is an art and a science to talent selection, Elisabeth and the Right Fit team have designed a repeatable process that makes it as much of a disciplined science as possible. When we implemented this discipline in our company we saw a dramatic rise in the engagement and performance of our team." 

President and CEO, Financial Services Company

 "As firm believer in hiring the very best people, I recognize the many hurdles that come along with that belief. I knew there had to be a solid process that would minimize the risk of making costly mistakes in the hiring process. In late 2003, I contracted with Right Fit Hiring to guide my management team through this process and it dramatically assisted us in improving our hiring process and led us to a number of extremely great hires."

Scott Edwards, President, Nomaco K-Flex

"The Right Fit Hiring service didn't just help me make a better hiring decision, it helped me make better business decisions!  By using the Right Fit process, I got the A+ hire I was looking for and aligned the rest of my business in a more productive direction.  Hiring screw-ups in key positions are spectacularly expensive. I know - I've been burned before.  Because we had a series of hurdles I was confident that we couldn't mess up.  On top of that, I'm now a much more capable interviewer and I know to be careful about "false positive" first impressions! To have someone who can back you with professional experience and guidance can be the most effective money you spend all year.  I'll definitely use Right Fit Hiring again!"

David G. Johnston, CPQ, Owner of DCJ CPA, PLLC

"Right Fit Hiring helped us make better decisions in less time.  More importantly, we got everyone in this entrepreneurial company to get on the same page about our parameters for hiring.  The Right Fit Hiring process helped challenge our thinking about what we said we needed and once everyone had their Hiring Scorecard, we were all aligned during the rest of the hiring process.  We use our scorecards for every interview and we keep getting better at what we're doing.  When you have lots of great managers who come to a growth company from lots of different places, it's important to get everyone on the same page.  The engineers and accountants in our organization like the predictable methodology of the process and I'm happy because we are driving towards one common culture in terms of our hiring practices and the talent we're looking for.  I would recommend Right Fit Hiring to a friend or colleague without question."

 Willie Wooldridge, Vice President of Human Resources, Noel Group

"What you have done so far for us is immeasurable. Your process has revolutionized our company and its hiring practices. Thanks so much for the detail that you have put into the "right fit hiring" key performance factors. Since I have been with the company, I believe this is the single most important tool we have acquired. There is structure in lieu of chaos, purpose in place of sporadic exercises, focus over intuitiveness- the engine is rebuilding and the most challenging opportunity of your career will be a success story."

Jim Buttenow, Director of Product Design, New River Innovation

"Elisabeth brought tremendous insight to our hiring process, greatly increasing our chances of getting the right person the first time, while at the same time enhancing our team dynamic. The value of her insights has lingered well past the assessments and offer letters, enabling me to practice a more personalized and precise management approach with each individual that has clearly enhanced my team's performance over time."

Craig Castor, President, Accelerando

"The greatest benefit of your service was the time it saved us, and the experience you brought to determining who would be the best match for our organization. The candidate we got is a fabulous fit!  By determining the needs of the job and helping us stay focused on the Key Performance Factors™ throughout the hiring process, you  helped us find, identify and select the right person with minimal involvement on our part.  I would definitely recommend the RFH service to anyone who asked!"

Debbie Mitchell, Executive Administrator, Medical Justice Services 

"In today's highly competitive business environment, all costs must be examined. Personnel costs are one of the biggest challenge areas for our company. Making the wrong hiring decisions in the past was costly, both in terms of time and money.  Right Fit Hiring has given us the extra edge that we needed. Assessments and expertise have, time after time, given Genesis Aviation the insight we needed to make good hiring decisions. Right Fit Hiring is a valuable resource for us."

 Charlene Wagner, Chief Financial Officer, Genesis Aviation


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